Thursday, April 16, 2009

Why are my teeth yellow?

i have yellow teeth ... literally ! i dont know why ... i have tried eurocryl and it doesnt work ...i aked my dentist and he said as im only 15 this would change - that was a year ago!! i dont have gum problems and my teeth are normal but i dont no why they stay yellow !! its becoming a problem ... help?!

Why are my teeth yellow?
the dentin part of all teeth are inherently yellow in color and the enamel portion is clear or whitish. many times the enamel is thin, thinning, or worn, which shows the %26#039;yellow%26#039; dentin part more. but at age 15, it%26#039;s more than likely staining.

staining is done either on the inside of the tooth or the outside of the tooth. the inside of the tooth is stained when your teeth are developing and probably when you were just a baby. medications can stain our teeth as babies as the teeth develop. there is nothing you can do as far as brushing and white strips for this type of staining.

the outside staining is done by coffee, smoking, and foods. the good news is that brushing, flossing, and white strips will help this type of staining. i rec%26#039;d ppl to use the strips on the front lower teeth for one week and then compare them to the upper and see if there%26#039;s a difference and is the difference something you like. many times the strips can cause sensitivity, spotting, etc. which doesn%26#039;t outweigh white white teeth.

the last thing to note about yellow teeth is your race. i know it sounds weird but Africans tend to have yellower teeth then other people with everything held constant. obviously, there nothing can be done. no biggie. it%26#039;s just the way teeth are.

if your really looking for whiter teeth, then see a dentist about some veeners for the front uppers. they can run about 1000-200 bucks a tooth and you%26#039;ll probably want to have at least 4 done.

be happy that there%26#039;s no else wrong with you teeth. a cavity can really hurt and having metal fillings is really ugly.

good luck

Reply:Do you drink a lot of coffee, tea, or dark sodas? That could have stained them. There are also medicines taken in childhood that could stain teeth as well, so ask your parent if that could be a possibility.
Reply:dont drink coffee..brush your teeth 3 times a day.. use mouth wash.. you could get them bleeched if its really a problem
Reply:Well, everyone%26#039;s teeth have a bit of a natural ivory color, but if your teeth are TOO yellow, then you may not brush enough or drink too much tea, coffee, soda, etc...Also, teeth color and straightness are very often hereditary.
Reply:You could get porcelain veneers but they are about £800 a tooth! So maybe not..

if you don%26#039;t drink coffe or red wine and your teeth are still yellow, then whitening wont be succesful for you because they only really work on teeth that are stained by the environment etc- not natrually yellow teeth. If you were born with yellow teeth then there is nothing muc you can do fot now unless you are willing to spend thousands on veneers.. hopefullyy in the future they will invent a (cheaper) cure!

For now, the only thing you can do is take care of your teeth, floss and brush twice a day etc..
Reply:It must be your natural color, do not worry. But don%26#039;t drink coffe, don%26#039;t smoking...
Reply:i think its because you drink coffee..................................... agree with everything that the others said
Reply:dont drink coffee

and use crest white strips
Reply:Hope this link helps you with all information regarding your teeth.Try out for more details.
Reply:Keeping your teeth, gums and mouth clean and healthy can prevent disease and infection, and can help to avoid pain and sickness. Also a clean healthy mouth feels nice, looks good and keeps your breath fresh.Log on to http://tipsfromruby-teethcare.blogspot.c... tips to have sparkle on your teeth and keep them in good.

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