Thursday, April 16, 2009

Help!! I have yellow teeth!?

Since I started high school I brushed my teeth twice everyday but they%26#039;re still yellow.

I don%26#039;t smoke. I don%26#039;t drink soda and I brush my teeth everyday so I don%26#039;t see why they won%26#039;t go white.

Does anyone know any products that really work???

Help!! I have yellow teeth!?
get bleech trays from dentist

floss and use listerine
Reply:The thicker the enamel on one%26#039;s teeth, the yellower they appear.
Reply:crest whit strips.
Reply:I had tried Crest white strips before. They hurted my gum. I got my teeth white finally from the dental bleaching tray by the dentist.

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